Cats & Dogs Gift Boxes


I recently had the opportunity to attend a Stampin' Up!® Training Day called On Stage. It is open to all Stampin' Up!® Demonstrators, you just have to make sure that you book your place before capacity at the venue is filled.

This time it was in Telford which is in Shropshire & not far from the very interesting historical area known as Ironbridge famous for the Iron Bridge that straddles the River Severn & which has very recently been brought back to it's former glory.

Here's me with my new Stampin' Up! bag on  the famous Bridge

It is in my opinion a great area to visit with lovely scenery & a number of very interesting museums.
Throw a Stampin' Up! conference into the mix & what more can you ask for!!
But I digress, this is starting to sound like a Travel Blog not a Crafting one!!

The first thing that most of us do once the doors open & we have found somewhere to sit is to start to SWAP. I'll talk more about this in my next Blog Post which will concentrate on On Stage. But, basically, beforehand we make a number of  items that we then swap with someone else.
You can make as many or as few as you like. Stampin' Up!® suggest cards which is very sensible given that they are light & easy to carry (cue funny story that I will share with you next time!!)
However, a lot of us go off piste & make other things.

This time I fancied having a Gift Box theme & decided to use the Kraft Pillow Boxes which I decorated using the Nine Lives Stamp Set & Coordinating Cat Punch & the Happy Tails Stamp Set & Coordinating Dog Punch.

Here are the Swaps I made:-

In each box I placed a packet of sweets & a Key Ring which I had added a piece of current Designer Series Paper (DSP) into the insert. Being patterned on both sides DSP worked brilliantly.
Here are just a few of the Key Rings:-

Here is my You Tube Tutorial on how I made these Swaps:-

I love these two Stamp Sets & their coordinating Punches & I'm very pleased to say that both will be carrying over to the new 2019-20 Annual Catalogue as will the Polka Dot Whisper White Tulle Ribbon, the Braided Linen Trim & the Kraft Pillow Boxes. Sadly the Gingham Gala Designer Series Paper will not, but I can promise you that there is a great choice of Designer Series Paper in the new Catalogue.

Would you like a Catalogue?

I'll be sending them out towards the end of May. If you would like a copy, use the
CONTACT ME LINK below to request a copy:-

Until next time

Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck designs

All images obtained from Stampin' Up!® are the copyright of Stampin' Up!®
All artwork unless stated otherwise is created by Anne Rothwell.
Cards & other items are for your inspiration & personal use only.
All content on this Blog is the sole responsibility of Anne Rothwell, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.
Services, Classes, Projects, Videos (unless produced by Stampin' Up!® are not endorsed by Stampin' Up!® 
