On Stage Local Telford April 2019

As promised in my previous Blog Post, I'm back to share with you more about the day I spent at On Stage back in April.

As mentioned in my previous Post, On Stage is a Training day for Stampin' Up!® Demonstrators. Anyone who is an active Demonstrator can go, the only criteria is that you have to apply & pay for your place before the capacity of the venue is filled!!

I have been fortunate enough to be present at the Event when we celebrated
Stampin' Up! 's 10th Anniversary in the UK & also at the event last November when we celebrated Stampin' Up!'s 30th Anniversary, which I have to say was a very special occasion. However, even with no special Celebration it is still a great day to be part of.

When you arrive & sign in you receive a bag of Goodies, during the day we received 2 more gifts, this time it was a Stamp Set & a packet of Designer Series Paper. Also very importantly we get a nice packed lunch!!

The highlight of the day is always when we each receive a copy of the new Catalogue, & when that Catalogue is the new Annual Catalogue it is even more exciting!! There were just under 600 present & it's amazing how suddenly a very noisy room can become almost silent, the noise replaced by oohs & aahs & squeals of delight. To be fair it's not long before the noise level increases with cries of I've got to have this, I want this & have you seen this!!
So this is what we all got excited about:-

It goes LIVE on 4th June 2019 & I can promise you that there are some fabulous new products in there.
If you would like me to send you a copy of the new Catalogue, use the CONTACT ME LINK below:-


Select the Option Request a Catalogue under what interests you. OR request a copy by


Please remember to include your Name & Address in the E-mail.

During the day we get to watch Training videos & live Product Demonstrations.There are also Make & Take crafting sessions using new products that are in the new Catalogue.

This time there were 6 to a table & at the end of the day we got to share all of the new products that we have used with the Make & Takes & that's in addition to Bag of goodies we received at the start of the day plus the 2 extra gifts received during the day.

So this is what I came away with:-

It is a busy day with lots going on, but there is still plenty of free time to mingle with other Demonstrators giving you the opportunity to catch up with old friends as well as meet new ones. One of the best ways to meet new people is to take part in the Swaps. I mentioned this in my last Post ( Cat & Dog Gift Boxes) & shared my You Tube Tutorial of the Swaps I made this time. In my next Post I'll talk more about the Swaps & share with you the Table Gifts that I made.

Until then
Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs 
