Become A Stampin' Up! Demonstrator


As promised I'm back to share some exciting news with you about a special Promotion that is available if you SIGN UP to become a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator during the period
1st JULY to 31st AUGUST.

When you Sign Up to be a Demonstrator you pay £99 for your STARTER KIT, you get to choose £130 of Products from the Current Catalogues, your Starter Kit is sent to you with no charge for P&P & you also receive a selection of Business Supplies including some Catalogues. A GREAT DEAL at any time of the year.


During the period 1st July - 31st August you will receive an additional £25 to spend on your Starter Kit, so you get to choose not £130 of  products for £99.00, BUT £155.00!! Wow!!

If that wasn't enough, guess what, there is more:-

You will in the month following the month you joined receive a Coupon for £8.00 to spend before 31st October 2019.

Here's a thought, if you join in August, you can add Products from the new Autumn/Winter Catalogue to your Starter Kit as the Pre-order period for Demonstrators for the new seasonal Catalogue begins on 1st August.

Once a Demonstrator you receive a minimum of 20% discount on your orders.

But is Signing up a BIG COMMITMENT?

No, it seriously isn't, yes there are realistic minimum sales to reach if you wish to continue as a Demonstrator, but if you don't get there, no worries you just STOP being a Demonstrator no questions asked & nothing to return.

Minimum sales are applicable each quarter, Stampin' Up! quarters are:-
1st Jan - 31st March
1st April - 30th June
1st July - 30th September
1st October - 31st December

You DO NOT have to meet the minimum Sales Target during the first quarter that you join, they need to be met by the end of the first full quarter, So for example:-

Join in August 19, your minimum sales have to be put through by 31st December & if you don't, guess what, you then get given a month in PENDING to make up the shortfall if you wish. So, by then you will have had access to products from the Annual Catalogue, Autumn/Winter Catalogue & Spring/Summer Catalogue!! It's got to be worth giving it serious consideration hasn't it?

Now, it's fair to say that I've been focusing on the thoughts of what if I don't sell /buy enough which is all a bit negative, but I'm simply trying to emphasise that there are no catches to joining.
But I'll finish on a positive thought, current sales targets are just under £300 per quarter, just by sharing the Catalogue with Friends Family & Work Colleagues you may just be very surprised at how easy it is to reach that target.
And remember, for as long as you remain a Demonstrator you get a minimum 20% discount on your purchases (Excluding supply items like Catalogues etc) & you earn a minimum of 20% on products that you sell, seriously, what is there not to like!!

TO JOIN MY TEAM, just CLICK ON the LINK below:-

To check out all of the FABULOUS PRODUCTS from the Annual Catalogue that can be added to your Starter Kit here is the LINK to my ONLINE SHOP:-

 Until next time

Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs

All images obtained from Stampin' Up!® are the copyright of Stampin' Up!®
All artwork unless stated otherwise is created by Anne Rothwell.
Cards & other items are for your inspiration & personal use only.
All content on this Blog is the sole responsibility of Anne Rothwell, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.Services, Classes, Projects, Videos (unless produced by Stampin' Up!® are not endorsed by Stampin' Up!®   
