
So, it is the first Saturday in October & that makes it WORD CARD MAKING DAY!!

If you are not familiar with this, it was introduced back in 2006 by a Paper Crafting Magazine.
The date was set as the first Saturday in October, hence it falls today on 5th October. The original idea was to encourage Crafters to get together to get a head start on the Holiday Card-making season & therefore offers the opportunity for Friends to gather together to do some Crafting.

There is much to read about this special day in the Paper crafting calendar, just type World Card Making Day into Google, you'll be surprised!!

I love this comment that I recently read on one site concerning this day & I quote:-

"Card Making Day reminds us that the best gifts come from the heart & hands & vision of the people we love"

Now I have to be honest & say that NO, I won't be spending all day making Cards, but I've started the day thinking about but there will be a couple of Facebook Posts during the day featuring Cards I have made to send to Friends. I do also have 3 Cards that need to be made ASAP, so I'm sure there will be at least one made today.

But, what actually struck me about this day was not in fact it's origins & initial purpose but rather the value of giving someone a handmade Card.

As someone who makes Cards, the obvious thing to do when we need a Card is to make one isn't it?
We do after all have a tendency to spend a small fortune on Paper Crarfting Supplies  (sorry I mean necessities!! ) don't we😂😂 So, we can so easily think to ourselves, so, I made a Card, what's the big deal?

But just stop & think about that for a moment. When you sit down to make a Card for someone, what do you consider as you start to prepare to make that Card? Perhaps you think first about the reason for making this Card, then perhaps the next step is to think about the colours they like, then maybe you start to think about their likes & interests, do they like Animals or Plants etc & so the thought process goes on. You are giving of your time, energy & creativity to create something that is totally personalised to a specific recipient.

I am extremely guilty of thinking, well that's what I do, I make Cards, & let's be totally honest here, generally before they are written & sent, the majority have been featured on various Facebook sites, Pinterest, Instagram & some have been the subject of a You Tube Tutorial, so yes they have well & truly featured in my business. BUT, that doesn't detract from the fact that when I have made them I have followed that thought process outlined above & those Cards have been personalised with the recipient in mind.

It's fair to say that you make a Card, give the Card & move on & then suddenly you get surprised by how much that Card actually meant to that person.

Just the other day I made a Thank You Card for a Friend in response to a gift she & her Family had given to Jim & I. When I handed her the Card I was greeted by this enormous smile & she then told me that she loved getting a Card from me & it turns out she has a special box that she keeps them in. I had no idea, but I am so pleased to be reminded that something that I really enjoy doing can also bring pleasure to someone else.

Stampin' Up! are excited to announce the First Annual World Card Sending Week & they have a goal of 50,000 Cards being sent out (made by both Demonstrators & Customers) during the week which starts tomorrow, 6th October & ends on 12th October. So, why not take this opportunity to make & send a Card to someone you know, there doesn't have to be a special reason, it can just be to say Hello, how are you doing? One thing that is for sure, that small act of kindness will bring the recipient much pleasure.

So, if you make & send a Card during the coming week & would like it to be included in the goal of 50,000, please leave me a comment under my Facebook Post for the Card below which will be "posted" at 10.30 am today on my Facebook page, & if you fancy including a photo of your Card that would be great. Alternatively you can leave a comment on this Blog Post telling me that you have made & sent a Card. I will then add it to the total I report to Stampin' Up!®

Here is the LINK to my FACEBOOK PAGE:-

Happy Crafting

Until next time
Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs

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All images obtained from Stampin' Up!® are the copyright of Stampin' Up!®
All artwork unless stated otherwise is created by Anne Rothwell.
Cards & other items are for your inspiration & personal use only.
All content on this Blog is the sole responsibility of Anne Rothwell, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.Services, Classes, Projects, Videos (unless produced by Stampin' Up!® are not endorsed by Stampin' Up!®   
