Purple Posy Ink Pads Withdrawn


It's always exciting when the new Annual Catalogue is launched & we find out what the 5 new
In Colors will be. This year was no exception & we looked forward to working with these 5 new fabulous colours for the next 2 years.
However, from day one there was an issue with the Ink quality of Purple Posy. During the Demonstrator Pre-Order a number of Demonstrators received their Ink Pad & some began to experience problems with it. Stampin' Up!® took the decision to withdraw the Ink Pads & Ink Refills until the Ink quality could be assured. It was finally re released in late September with the belief that the issues had been overcome.

Sadly it soon became apparent that there were still problems with the Ink  & Stampin' Up!®  have taken the difficult decision to discontinue the Purple Posy Ink Pad & Ink Refills.
Here is part of the announcement received from Stampin' Up!® confirming why they needed to take this action:-

"All of Stampin’ Up!’s exclusive ink colours are run through a vigorous series of tests to get ahead of challenges like this, and to ensure colours are accurate and meet our standards of coordination. Purple Posy did pass regular testing standards in time-simulating ovens, but we have now identified that it fell short when it came to actual time passing. The colour begins to shift once the ink has rested in the ink pad for about six weeks.
It is rare for Stampin’ Up! or our ink manufacturer to have such persistent issues with ink; Purple Posy has certainly been an anomaly. We completed full testing on 11 distinct batches of Purple Posy Classic Stampin’ Ink before releasing the current version. We are now confident that no additional efforts would uphold our coordination needs over time. We appreciate your patience as we have worked through this manufacturing difficulty and regret that we are unable to share better news."

Although the Purple Posy Ink Pads & Ink Refills are no longer available we will still be able to enjoy working with this pretty colour throughout it's time as an In Color as it will still be available in Cardstock, Stampin' Blends & as a Stampin' Write Marker.

Until next time

Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs

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All images obtained from Stampin' Up!® are the copyright of Stampin' Up!®
All artwork unless stated otherwise is created by Anne Rothwell.
Cards & other items are for your inspiration & personal use only.
All content on this Blog is the sole responsibility of Anne Rothwell, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.Services, Classes, Projects, Videos (unless produced by Stampin' Up!® are not endorsed by Stampin' Up!® 
