February Newsletter


Welcome to the February Newsletter.

I hope you had a good January. I fear I'll be saying the same about this year as I did the last one - SERIOUSLY where has that month gone!! On a positive note though, this year we get an extra day in February & in theory we'll start to see the days getting just a bit longer.

What do you think of the New Mini Catalogue & Sale-A-Bration Brochure? This year more than ever before I really want most of what's in the Catalogue!! Totally not going to happen - but a girl can dream!!

I don't know about you, but I also find that even if on first glance I decide that a Product is just not me I then see it being used on Pinterest,You Tube, Facebook etc & I'm like Wow that's amazing, how on earth did I think I didn't want, no scrap want - NEED that Product!! That is the great thing with the various Social Media Platforms, you not only get to share your creativity but learn so much from other people. 

There's always a lot to discover when a new Catalogue is launched, so I hope that my Blog Posts featuring some of the new Products both from the Mini Catalogue & Sale-A-Bration Brochure have been helpful. Stampin' Up!® have provided us with excellent Product videos this year so it's my plan over the coming weeks to continue to feature them on my Blog.

There are also two You Tube Videos on my Channel :-

This one gives a brief overview of the Mini Catalogue & I also share some of the New Products as well as highlight those that have caught my eye.

This one is a Walk Through the Sale-A-Bration Brochure & covers not only the REWARDS if you SHOP, but also the HOST REWARD & the FABULOUS JOINING REWARD.

Sale-A-Bration is always the best time to Join as a Demonstrator, CLICK ON the LINK below to go to a  BLOG POST which provides further information:-


If you fancy giving it a try, here is the LINK to JOIN MY TEAM:-


If you have any questions about joining, please feel free to get in touch.
Here is the LINK to CONTACT ME:-


I am aware that I haven't shared much in the way of actual Crafting during January, but there has been a reason for that which I hope has been evident from your visit to my BLOG.

January turned out to be quite creative for me but not in the way I prefer, this time it involved my worst nightmare TECHNOLOGY!!

Thanks to some amazing Training I have managed to update my Blog & hopefully make it a much more user friendly place to visit as well as a more attractive one. Who knew Blogger offered so many different Templates or that I could change the Background colour to the Stampin' Up! colour of Blushing Bride!!

What can I say, it's a work in progress but despite the headaches & the desire to lie down in a darkened room at the end of most days I'm very pleased with the improvements made, it's been worth all the angst!!

You will notice along the top of the Home page that there are TABS which you can CLICK ON to SHOP, JOIN MY TEAM, CONTACT ME & connect you to my SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS.
You can also go straight to my ONLINE SHOP just by CLICKING ON this image that you'll find on the SIDEBAR:-

Also from the SIDEBAR you can access an updated ABOUT ME page as well as DOWNLOAD a PDF of the Annual Catalogue, Mini Catalogue, Sale-A-Bration Brochure & the Experience Creativity Brochure, just CLICK ON the relevant image.

If that wasn't enough technology for me to get my head around, you will also see in the two latest Posts relating to the From My Heart Suite an improvement in the way the Products featured in the Blog are listed if you wish to purchase them.
At the point in the Blog Post relating to purchasing the featured Products, you will now generally find a CLICKABLE IMAGE which will take you straight to my ONLINE SHOP. Here the Products featured or related Products will be listed. All that is needed then is to uncheck any of the Products you don't want & then CLICK ON ADD TO CART, they will then be added straight into the Shopping Cart. If there is something else that you would like to buy that's not already listed, there is a LINK on the page back to MY ONLINE SHOP so that you can add anything else to your SHOPPING CART.

So what do we have to look forward to in February in the world of Stampin' Up!?

Well of course we still have Sale-A-Bration & the chance to get some amazing rewards.

In addition, 4th February sees the release of 6 Coordination Products, some coordinate with
Sale-A-Bration Rewards & others coordinate with Products in the Mini Catalogue. These Products will only be available for a Limited Time & on a While Stocks Last basis. Look out for my Blog Post coming on 4th February with all the details.

And FINALLY.............

This has been a bit of a marathon Newsletter hasn't it!! Thank you so much for sticking with me to the end.
If you are here for the first time, Thank you so much for visiting. If it's your first visit or you haven't done so already why not HIT the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON on the Home page. This will ensure that you won't miss out on any of my Blog Posts some of which contain important news from Stampin' Up! like Promotions etc. (And I promise they are not usually this long!!)

All that's left for me to say is have a Fabulous February.

Until next time
Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs

Hello February & Thank You Images are from Pinterest
