Stampin' Up! Storage


I have been meaning to write a Blog Post for some time about the fabulous new Storage System that has been available for a while now from Stampin' Up!®.

This storage system is designed to store your Ink Pads, Stampin' Blends, Stampin' Write Markers,
Re-Inkers & all those other things like Ribbon & Adhesive that you never know quite what to do with. It will also look great in your  Craft space.

Here is a Video from Stampin' Up! that introduces this new Storage System:-

Please note that if you have subscribed to my Blog & are reading this Post on an E-mail, the Video will not show. To see the Video simply CLICK ON this LINK to be taken to my Blog:-

As you can see from the Video all of the pieces interlock with each other so they can be put together in a way that suits you & your Storage needs. You can start with just one or 2 pieces & add to that as you go along.

If I was just starting out I'd love to buy it all. In reality I have the Ink Pad Caddy which although designed for the old style Ink Pads works perfectly OK for the new style Pads so I'm sticking with that for the foreseeable future. But, that's the great thing with this system, you can just buy what you want & need.

Personally I love the Stampin' Blends Storage Trays. In order to maximise the life of the ink you need to store the Blends in a horizontal position. I used to keep mine in a tin, but the more I had the more of a pain it was when I wanted to use them. I either had to rummage around in the tin until I found the one I wanted or, & this is usually what happened, I'd have to tip them out on my desk to find the one I was looking for & then put the rest back in the tin in of course in no particular order!! Now, they are individually lined up in their tray & I can immediately see the colour I want. I don't think it's a coincidence that I have used my Stampin' Blends much more since they have been readily to hand.

I love the way that the Ink Pad & Marker Trays are designed to house your Ink Pad & coordinating Stampin' Write Marker. But, as I have the Caddy I don't at this stage need to buy these trays. But I did need a more effective way of storing my Stampin' Write Markers which like the Stampin' Blends should be stored in a horizontal position to extend their life, (not vertically in a pretty but not practical Eeyore pot!!) So, I have used a few of the Stampin' Blends Storage Trays to store my Stampin' Write Markers. Again, this means they are now being stored correctly & are readily to hand for use.

The Storage Topper is perfect for storing Re-Inkers & I've found it very useful to store my Embossing Powder. The Open Storage Cube is perfect for storing Ribbons etc & you can also fit in 3 Half Wide Stamp Cases into it which are perfect for storing Embellishments & other bits & pieces. You can even use a piece of your favourite Designer Series Paper to decorate the cases.

The final piece to mention is the Storage Lid, this can be used in place of the Storage Topper & provides an extra space for storage or maybe a little pot plant or picture.

The Images below highlight how the Storage System can be used. To purchase any of the Storage Products simply CLICK ON the image & you will be taken directly to my ONLINE SHOP. You can add the items straight into your SHOPPING CART. Just UNCHECK any that you DO NOT wish to purchase:-

The Product Code for the Half Wide Stamp Cases is 127552 - £4.75 for 4.

Until next time

Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs
