Being An Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator


I've had a few thoughts running through my head recently about why I love being an Independent  Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator which I'd like to share with you.

I guess first & foremost I love it because I get to channel my creativity & make fun projects using fabulous Products.

I'm also challenging myself daily as I build my On Line Business. Believe me when I say that for me Technology is a real challenge & seemed like even if I looked a Computer it went wrong!! So, when I decided to take my Stampin' Up! Business On Line I knew it wasn't going to be easy!!

But with the help of Tutorials & encouragement from others especially my long suffering Husband Jim I have grown & even though there are still days when things go wrong even though all I've done is turn the Computer on, Technology doesn't scare me the way it used to.
Reflecting on what I've learnt as well as the plans I have to learn more inspires me & the bottom line is that wouldn't have happened had I not decided to take the plunge & Sign Up to become a Demonstrator.

In addition, because of Stampin' Up! I am a member of a number Facebook Groups, (I really didn't do Social Media before becoming a Demonstrator) which means that I'm in contact with people in a number of countries around the world. Apart from the inspiration we get from each other I am totally inspired by the Love, Care & Support shown for each other in the paper crafting world.

For those sharing their first card on a group (which trust me it is very scary putting yourself out there) there is praise & encouragement. But, it's not just  about Cards, there are those Posts sharing difficult times due to Family Illness, coping with Loss, dealing with disasters like the recent terrible Bush Fires in Australia & now a Virus situation which pretty much affects all of us wherever we live.

Thousands of miles apart there's nothing practical you can offer but I'm sure the messages back giving encouragement & sending Love play their part in telling someone they are thought about & that other people care.

This leads me to the Card pictured above. On one of the smaller groups that I belong to it was highlighted by someone that the Mother of one of the members was in poor health & in need of encouragement, so if anyone felt able to would they send her a Card. I was more than happy to do that & there was one further piece of information & that was that the lady in question is sadly Blind.

This got me thinking about how I could adapt the Card so that it would have some texture so that she could feel elements of it. Using a combination of Punches, Embossing, Heat Embossing & Textured Paper I came up with this Floral Card which I hope that when it reaches it's recipient will bring her some pleasure. (Join me on my next Blog Post where I will share more information about this Card)

In conclusion, am I currently extremely successful as a Demonstrator?  No, I'm seriously not. Being successful is of course an ongoing motivation & to that end I'm working hard at building my Business. However, being a Demonstrator is for me about so much more. It provides me with a personal challenge as well as allowing me to be creative almost daily. I love what I do & where I'm at just now & that is thanks to Stampin' Up! & all the fabulous people that I've met & got to know along the way. My wish is simple, that I get to carry on doing this for as long as possible.

If you fancy beginning  your Stampin' Up! journey & joining me, here is the LINK to Join My Team:-

Until next time
Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs

