March Newsletter


I think the least said about February is for the best!! What terrible weather & awful flooding there's been. I hope that you have been able to stay safe warm & dry during a month that is becoming known for breaking records but not good ones.

I'm typing this thinking SERIOUSLY how is it March already & whilst hopefully the weather will start to improve watching the News I suspect March will prove to have it's own difficulties. I'm not however going to dwell on that, we need a bit of positivity don't we & Crafting is a great source for positive thinking.

During February I had a lot of fun using some of the Products from the Peaceful Poppies Suite & I decorated the Note Books in the photo above & made the Card for Friends who love Poppies. Whilst not necessarily flowers for March Olly did such a good job posing for the photo that I thought I'd use it to introduce my March Newsletter.

There are You Tube Tutorials for both the Card & the Books, I'll add them onto the end of the Newsletter.

If you are reading this on an E-mail having SUBSCRIBED to my Channel please be aware that the Videos won't play, just CLICK ON this LINK to my BLOG to read the full Post where the Videos will work.

So, what is happening in the world of Stamping up? Well for a start this:-

On 3rd March 5 more Sale-A-Bration Rewards were added, for full details just CLICK ON the image above to read the full Blog Post on the new Rewards.

You can DOWNLOAD a PDF of the 2nd Release Sale-A-Bration Brochure from the SIDEBAR on the HOME PAGE of my BLOG.

Sale-A-Bration will be over for another year very soon (it ends on 31st March 2020) but there is still time to earn Rewards not only when you SHOP but also when you HOST or JOIN.

There is another good reason to think about JOINING during March which I want to share with you but don't worry if Joining isn't for you this information will become relevant in April so no one misses out!!
On Tuesday we as Demonstrators received some news from Stampin' Up!® about this:-

Yes, Stampin' Up! are releasing an entire Suite of Products from the new Annual Catalogue early. They can be purchased from 1st April -31st May, BUT, if you are a Demonstrator you can pre order these Products between 3rd - 31st March & the best news is that they can be included in your Starter Kit.

Here is the LINK to the PDF so that you can check out all of these FABULOUS Products:-

How Fabulous are those Ornate Border & Layer Dies? I'm also loving the Designer Series Paper with it's Gold Foil elements & the Ornate Stamp Set is certainly on my list, what a brilliant selection of Sentiments. I'm also liking the fact that as this is from the new Annual Catalogue  it will be current for over a year.

Your Starter Kit costs £99.00 & you get to choose £130.00 of Products which as we've said can include Products from the Ornate Garden Suite, your Starter Kit will include some Business Supplies like Catalogues & it will be sent to you without charge for P&P. However don't forget that if you JOIN during Sale-A-Bration you will also receive this:-

What's not to like?

Here's the LINK to an earlier Blog Post that covers the Rewards of joining during Sale-A-Bration & answers some questions about being a Demonstrator:-

If you would like to join my team here is the LINK:-

Look out for further information on my Blog about this new Suite of Products especially after 1st April when everyone can order it.

I love a Bargain do you? I had a look on here earlier:-

and there are some fabulous Products on there at great prices, here's the LINK to my ONLINE SHOP, once there CLICK ON CLEARANCE RACK:-

Finally here are the 2 You Tube Tutorials that I mentioned early:-

Poppy Card

Poppy Note Book

As usual throughout the month there will be Blog Posts featuring Tutorials, information about Stampin' Up! Products & Stampin' Up! news. So, if you haven't done so already why not HIT the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON at the top of my Blog. That way you won't miss out on anything.

So all that is left for me to say is have a great March.

Until next time
Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs
