April Newsletter


Where do I start?? Well firstly I hope this Newsletter finds you, your Family & Friends safe & well.

I can remember in the last Newsletter reflecting on the problems the World had faced since the beginning of the year & saying that based on the News reports at the time I suspected March would prove to have it's own difficulties, but I'm pretty sure the majority of us even one month ago never appreciated just how tough & challenging it would get.

To be honest it has taken me until toady (6th) to even start to write this, because at a time when we are all concerned about keeping ourselves & our Families healthy & fed I wondered is anybody really interested in Craft Supplies & News?

Reflecting on that I decided the answer was Yes, albeit that Hobbies have taken a much lower profile in life & we are focusing on needs not wants. But, in these times of uncertainty & with many Countries in Lockdown (here in the UK we are nearly 2 weeks into Lockdown) it's important as highlighted in the Media that we take care of our Mental Health as well as our Physical health (these are after all unprecedented circumstances & no one has been here before. We are all learning as we go along)

The Media suggests that ways to help our Mental health are exercise within the boundaries of Social Distancing & by Hobbies that we can do at home. Hobbies encompasses many interests, but as you are reading this Blog then like me Papercrafting is your thing, so how can it help.

I've mentioned before that since becoming a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator I have embraced Social Media & seeing other people's work on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram brings a smile, provides inspiration & also a connection with people. So, if you have any of those Platforms why not make people smile & share your creations.

Is there a Papercrafting Technique you've been wanting to learn? Why not check out You Tube, there are some amazingly talented people out there sharing their talent. So, why not try some new aspect of Card making.

Writing this has got me thinking of various ideas we could try in the coming weeks. I have no desire to turn this into a long Newsletter, but I'll be back in the days ahead to share some of those ideas with you. So, if you haven't already done so why not HIT the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON to my Blog. That way you won't miss out on any future Posts. You never know there may be a good idea in there!!

So, what is happening in the World of Stampin' Up!®?

Currently & happily all Distribution Centres are open in all Markets. Stampin' Up!® are better able to explain the other measures they have put in place, to read more CLICK ON the LINK Below:-


In other news, Stampin' Up! have been working hard over a period of time to improve the Shopping Experience on our ONLINE SHOPS. Here in the UK we are the first of the Stampin' Up! Markets to have our Shops upgraded & this change occurred on 1st April. You can CLICK ON the LINK below to visit my New Look Shop:-


Also there is this:-

There's nothing like New Products to inspire new ideas & there are a whole load of Fabulous Products in the Ornate Garden Suite. Whilst this Suite will feature in the 2020-21 Annual Catalogue it has been made available on Early Release & can be ordered between 1st April to 31st May. You can find Full details on the Blog Post Below:-


And finally:-

I shared this image on my Facebook page the other day headed up as
This is what it looks like to not have a care in the world!!

Whilst as humans we are never likely to understand the concept of "Not a care in the world"
and I have no doubt that this experience will change us all in a way. But, hopefully before too long we can start to return to some normality & begin to relax & enjoy time once again with  Friends & Family.

Until next time
Take care & stay safe & well.

Best wishes
Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs

(Tulip April Image obtained from Pinterest) 
