Retiring Products - Kits Annual Catalogue


So, in my second Post about Retiring Products I'm back to highlight the Kits from the Annual Catalogue which are now available to buy at discounted prices.

As I said in my last Post I do love a Kit & the the above Lots of Happy Kit which is an All Inclusive Kit has been a favourite of mine. I love the different size & shaped Cards in it & the dramatic Black & White  theme. Due to retire it is now available at a discounted price. CLICK ON the image below to view full details. If you like what you see then simply add it to your Shopping Basket.

Another All Inclusive Kit available at a discount is the very pretty Notes Of Kindness Kit pictured below. Again simply CLICK ON the Image to be taken to my ONLINE SHOP where you can view full details of the Kit & of course buy it if you wish.

Both of these Kits also feature in the Beginners Brochure, so are perfect if you are just starting out making Cards because apart from adhesive you have everything you need make some great Cards. Both Kits would also make great gifts for a Craft loving friend.

The final Kit to highlight is a bit different, it's the Darling Label Punch Box Kit which is pictured below. Again, just CLICK ON the image for full details of the Kit.

I am totally in love with the Tin!! This is a great set to use for Sentiments for Card Fronts & also for Gift Tags & of course the Label Punch can be used independently from the Kit for other projects.

So, that is my pick of the Kits from the Annual Catalogue & Beginners Brochure.
The list of Retiring items is extensive so don't forget to check out both of the lists. They can be found on the Sidebar of my Blog.

Until next time

Take care

Anne x
Rosie Duck Designs
