Sale-A-Bration - JOIN


In this Post we'll have a look at the JOINING offer during Sale-A-Bration. 

Normally the cost of the Starter Kit is £99.00 & you get to choose £130 of Products of your choice. In addition you receive Free of Charge some handy Business Supplies including Catalogues, plus your Starter Kit is sent to you without charge for P&P. A great offer anytime of the year. But, in Sale-A-Bration it gets a whole lot better!!

In addition to everything outlined above you will receive this!!...........

5 packs of Designer Series Paper which will not be available to purchase until the 2021 - 2022 Annual Catalogue is launched in May.

The Paper features each of the Colour Collections - Brights, Regals, Neutrals & Subtles as well as a pack featuring the 2020 - 2022 In Colors.

Each Pack is valued at £10.75 so for £99.00, the cost of the Starter Kit you will actually be receiving £183.75 of Products WOW!! seriously what's not to like!!

I just have to say that if having looked through the current Catalogues your Wish List is anywhere near £99.00 you seriously need to think about signing up as an Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator. That really is the best advice.

I know that Joining something can spark fears of commitment & questions as to what really am I letting myself in for!! 

So let's examine the Pros & Cons:-


Discount on Craft Supplies

Stampin' Up! Training Events

Pre Order on New Catalogues

Demonstrator Rewards

Home Based Craft Business (if you want)

Becoming part of a like minded community




Well, to remain an ACTIVE Demonstrator you are required to put through Sales each Quarter of just under £280. Stampin' Up! Quarters run January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December. Those sales can be just your own purchases or a combination of yours & those you obtain from other people. You DO NOT have to run Parties or Demonstrate anything, although of course that option is there if you are looking to build a Home based Craft Business.

But, are you reading this thinking I fancy £130 of Products for £99 plus I'm loving the Sale-A-Bration Reward, but there's no way I can generate sales of around £280 a quarter. (Can I just say you may well be surprised about what you can achieve just by sharing your love of Paper Crafting with Friends, Family, Neighbours & Work Colleagues)
But, let's just assume you are not going to make those sales - no worries!

This is why Joining is simply Win Win.

You do not have to put through qualifying Sales in the first Quarter that you Join, so if you join during Sale-A-Bration (Jan-Feb) your first qualifying Quarter is April-June. So, Join in January and you will have nearly 6 months to put through those qualifying Sales & the whole of that time you get the opportunity to buy Crafting Products with a 20% Discount. Plus you'll be a Demonstrator during the Pre-0rder period for the New Annual Catalogue.

What happens at the end of June? :-

Sales Target met - You remain ACTIVE for another 3 months & so on.

Not made the Sales Target - you get 1 month in a PENDING Status to make up the shortfall. If made up - you become ACTIVE for the next Quarter.

Not made the target after PENDING - you just simply DROP from being a Demonstrator no questions asked.

Bottom line - there is no drama, no long term commitment just a host of benefits for as long as you stay a Demonstrator.

I would love to welcome you to my Team, below is the LINK to JOIN:-

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with me using the CONTACT ME LINK Below & I will be very happy to answer them.

I'll be back in my next Post to cover the HOST offer. 

Until then

Take care

Anne x

Rosie Duck Designs
