Becoming a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator


UPDATED 20th APRIL 2021 


At the beginning of April in my Newsletter I mentioned that with a new Catalogue due to launch in May now is a good time to sign up to become a Demonstrator & you may have wondered WHY I said that.

Before I answer that I just have to say that in reality anytime is a good time because whenever you join you will be able to purchase Products with a minimum discount of 20%!! Who doesn't love more Craft Products for less money?? It is also true that usually twice a year there are additional benefits offered if you join during a specified time for example recently during Sale-A-Bration there was a joining offer. So, that brings me back to why I said NOW is a good time to join. Well, it has to do with new Products from the upcoming Catalogue. Are you starting to see Demonstrators featuring some of the new Products from the new Catalogue on Social Media? Are you sitting there thinking I want that? Well of course you can order whatever has caught your eye & much more come 4th May. But, as a Demonstrator you will have the opportunity to get a selection of new Products before the Catalogue launches because as Demonstrators we benefit from a Pre Order period before the launch of any Catalogue, & the good news is that Products on the Pre Order List can be added to your Starter Kit.

The Starter Kit costs £99.00 & you get to choose £130 of Products from the current Annual Catalogue, the January to June Mini Catalogue or from the Pre Order List. In addition you will receive some handy Business supplies including Catalogues & your Kit will be sent to you without charge for P&P.


This morning we have received notification from Stampin' Up! about a Joining Promotion that will run from 4th May - 31st May, during the Promotion you can choose even more FREE PRODUCT -

Instead of £130 you can choose £154 of Products from the new Annual Catalogue & January to June Mini Catalogue for £99.00 the cost of the Starter Kit.

This is the first time that a Joining Promotion has been offered alongside an Annual Catalogue Launch, so it's very exciting news & worth the effort of updating my Blog Post!!

So the choice is Join now get £130 of Product plus the opportunity to get new Products before the Catalogue launch OR 

WAIT until 4th May to Join & get £154 of Products

With just 14 days to go before the Catalogue launch my advice would be to wait - £24 equates to another Punch, Stamp Set, Ink Pads & a lot more!! But of course the choice is yours.

I totally get that signing up for something can bring fear of commitment & questions about just what you are letting yourself in for, so let's briefly examine the Pros & Cons:-


Discount on Craft Supplies

Stampin' Up! Training Events

Pre Order on New Catalogues

Demonstrator Rewards

Home Based Craft Business (if you want)

Becoming part of a like minded community




Well to remain an Active Demonstrator you will need to put through Sales each Quarter of around £280.00. (This total includes what you purchase for yourself as well as what you sell to others)

Are you reading this thinking I fancy £130 of Products for £99 plus I'd love to get my hands on some of the new Products from the Annual Catalogue before it is released, BUT, there's no way I can generate sales of around £280 a quarter. (Can I just say you may well be surprised about what you can achieve just by sharing your love of Paper Crafting with Friends, Family, Neighbours & Work Colleagues)
But, I can appreciate that the sensible question to ask at this point is WHAT IF I DON'T MAKE THOSE SALES???

Well, the simple answer is - no worries!

This is why Joining is simply Win Win.

In addition to having 3 Months (a Quarter) to achieve your required Sales, if you don't meet them within the time frame you will also receive a Month of Pending Status giving you the opportunity to meet the target. If after a month in Pending you have still been unable to meet the required target, then you just simply drop from being a Demonstrator - NO PRESSURE & NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

I know that we are frequently warned that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is, but not so with signing up to become a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, it really is as easy & transparent as outlined above.

Stampin' Up! Quarters run from October - December, January - March, April - June & July to September. There's even more good news - you are not required to meet your quarterly Target in the first Quarter in which you join. So, join in April you don't have to put through the required Quarterly Sales until the end of September - that's nearly 6 months!! In that time we will have the release of the next Mini Catalogue so you will enjoy a Pre-Order on that, plus there will be another Sale-A-Bration in that time, so as a Demonstrator you will have the opportunity to pre earn the Sale-A-Bration Rewards before the Promotion Starts.

If you wait until 4th May to Join you will as outlined above have until the end of September to put through your minimum Quarterly Sales, so that's almost 5 months to enjoy the benefits mentioned above. 

 As outlined in the PROS Section above there are also other benefits to Joining.

I signed up 4 1/4 years ago, my only regret - I didn't sign up sooner!!

If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them, use the CONTACT ME LINK below:-

Fancy giving it a try?

Here is the LINK to JOIN MY TEAM:-

Best wishes

Anne x

Rosie Duck Designs 
