Joining as a Demonstrator


So, way back at the beginning of August I added a Post to my Blog about Joining as a Demonstrator & said that I would add a Post about the Pros & Cons of being a Demonstrator as rightly there are always questions about what we are actually committing to when we join anything & joining Stampin' Up!® as a Demonstrator is no exception, it really is sensible to ask about anything you are not sure about before Joining.

Then of course I managed to have a bad fall which left me bruised & stiff & unable to Craft or Type so, my apologies that the promised Post wasn't forthcoming at that time. Anyway I am now much better & getting my act together once again & here is the promised Pros & Cons Post.

The good news is that whilst I am over a month late in writing this Post, Sale-A-Bration runs until 30th September, so there is still plenty of time to Join & take advantage of the Joining offer during Sale-A-Bration.

Whenever there is a Joining Promotion I try to make a point of writing a Post just outlining what is involved when you join as a Demonstrator.

As I have said many times Joining at anytime makes perfect sense when you consider the Starter Kit costs £99 & you get to choose £130 of Products from the current Catalogues. You also receive some handy Business supplies including Catalogues plus your Kit is sent to you without charge for P&P. However during a Joining Promotion such as the Sale-A-Bration Joining Promotion you get even more for your £99.

In the latest Sale-A-Bration Joining Promotion you get to choose one of 12 selected Bundles from the new Mini catalogue - details can be found in this Blog Post:-

So, now let's focus on the Pros & Cons of being a Demonstrator, so here we go:-


Discount on Craft Supplies

Stampin' Up! Training Events

Pre Order on New Catalogues

Demonstrator Rewards

Home Based Craft Business (if you want)

Becoming part of a like minded community




Well to remain an Active Demonstrator you will need to put through Sales each Quarter of around £280.00. (This total includes what you purchase for yourself as well as what you sell to others)

Are you reading this thinking I fancy £130 of Products for £99 plus I'd love a free Bundle, BUT, there's no way I can generate sales of around £280 a quarter. (Can I just say you may well be surprised about what you can achieve just by sharing your love of Paper Crafting with Friends, Family, Neighbours & Work Colleagues)
But, I can appreciate that the sensible question to ask at this point is WHAT IF I DON'T MAKE THOSE SALES???

Well, the simple answer is - no worries!

This is why Joining is simply Win Win.

In addition to having 3 Months (a Quarter) to achieve your required Sales, if you do not reach your target within the Quarter you also receive a Month of Pending Status giving you the opportunity to meet the target. If after a month in Pending you have still been unable to meet the required target, then you just simply drop from being a Demonstrator - NO PRESSURE & NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

I know that we are frequently warned that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is, but not so with signing up to become a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, it really is as easy & transparent as outlined above.

Stampin' Up! Quarters run from October - December, January - March, April - June & July to September. There's even more good news - you are not required to meet your quarterly Target in the first Quarter in which you join. So, join now in September & you don't have to put through the required Quarterly Sales until the end of December. That's nearly 4 months - 5 if you count the Pending month of January. During that time there will be the launch of the new January - June Mini Catalogue & you will be able to participate in the Pre Order for that!!

As outlined in the PROS Section above there are also other benefits to Joining.

I'm just 4 months away from reaching my 5 year Anniversary as an Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, my only regret - I didn't sign up sooner!! 

Not only do I of course get to buy all of my Papercrafting supplies at a discount, I've got to know some lovely people who in my everyday life I would never have met, I've also enjoyed some fabulous Stampin' Up! Events & above all I love being associated with a Company who really does its utmost to "Make A Difference"

I hope this Post has answered any questions you may have had, if you fancy giving being a Demonstrator a try I would love to welcome you to my Team. To Join simply CLICK ON the LINK below:-

Alternatively, If you have any further questions I'd be happy to answer them, please use the CONTACT ME LINK below:-

Until next time

Take care

Best wishes

Anne x

Rosie Duck Designs 
