October Newsletter



Welcome to my October Newsletter. I hope that you had a wonderful September & were able to take time out the enjoy the lovely weather.

As I write this, the sun seems a distant memory & it suddenly feels very Autumnal but it is still nice & bright in the world of Stampin' Up!®. 1st October marks the new Stampin' Up! year & I can promise that there are lots of exciting things in the pipeline to brighten the Autumn & Winter months.

The first thing that I want to highlight is World Card Making Day, this was started back in 2006 by a Papercraft magazine & falls on the first Saturday of October. World Card day encourages people to get creative & to make a Card for someone you care about. With every Handmade Card you make a little piece of you goes into it & the Card is made with the recipient in mind. So, as you make it you will be thinking about them, for example what colours do they like, do they like animals or flowers etc & with that knowledge you will make the Card that is perfect for them. So, this Saturday why not spend a little time getting creative & make & send a Card to someone special just to simply let them know that you are thinking of them. Whilst in some instances it's true that things are improving as far as getting to meet up with Friends & Family, but, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that there are dear friends that we have yet to see, so this is the perfect day to make a Card & send a Card.

If you can't spare the time on Saturday to make a Card why not carry the idea over into the days ahead & just send someone you haven't seen in a while or someone you know is struggling a bit a Card just to let them know you care.

If you like the sound of this idea but are stuck for ideas then no worries, Stampin' Up! have the perfect answer in the form of All Inclusive Kits CLICK ON the LINK below to discover what Kits are currently available:-


The Petal Notes Kit, Kerchief Kit, Precious Parcel Kit & Notes of Cheer Kit (priced at £11.25) come with pre printed sentiments - perfect if you are new to Card Making. All of the other Kits (priced at £18) come complete with a Stamp Set & an Inkspot.

If you fancy giving one of the Kits a try you can purchase them using the LINK above.

Still keeping the focus on Card Kits, I'm excited to be able to let you know that there will be a new Paper Pumpkin Card Kit released on 11th October. The Kit is called  Hope Box & was inspired by the founder of Stampin' Up! Shelli Gardner whose vision was to create a Kit that serves as a physical reminder of hope. Look out for an upcoming Blog Post which will provide more details of this latest Paper Pumpkin release.

A recent fall has prevented me from doing as much Papercrafting & typing as I would like, but I'm pleased to report that I am now recovered so look out for more Tutorials on my You Tube Channel - Rosie Duck Designs & more Blog Posts during October.

Thanks so much for stopping by my Blog today, please come back & visit soon.

Until next time

Take care

Best wishes

Anne x

Rosie Duck Designs
