Sale-A-Bration - HOST



In todays Post I'm looking at the offer during Sale-A-Bration when you HOST.

Whilst Hosting can mean holding a Party, it can also simply mean placing an Order of a certain amount yourself or sharing the Catalogue with Friends, Family, Work Colleagues Neighbours or quite simply anyone that enjoys Papercrafting & letting them place their own Order via my ONLINE SHOP using a HOST CODE which will be set up with you as the HOST. They pay individually for their Order including P&P & the Order is sent directly to them. The Order amount goes towards your Total as a Host & at a certain level of sales you get to earn Rewards.

Here is the Rewards Table:-

If the total of your personal Order or the cumulative amount of Orders placed using the same Host Code reaches £150 (EXCL P&P) you as the Host begin to earn Stampin' Rewards as shown in the table above. These Rewards can be spent on Products from current Catalogues & in addition in each Catalogue there are some Stamp Sets that can only be purchased using Stampin' Rewards. 

In addition during Sale-A-Bration if the total of sales reaches £275 or more, in addition to receiving Stampin' Rewards at 12% you will also receive this lovely Stamp Set:-

The Calming Camellia Stamp Set -  a 9 piece Cling DISTINKTIVE Stamp Set.

More details about Hosting can be found on my Website under HOST - here is the LINK:-

We have spoken about your own personal Order amounting to £150 or more & of course there's nothing wrong with you deciding to place an Order of that amount. You will of course be eligible for Stampin' Rewards as outlined in the above table & Sale-A-Bration Rewards.

I would however not be doing my job properly if I didn't just say at this point if your Order exceeds £99 you may well wish to consider Joining as a Demonstrator. Details about Joining can be found in this Post:- 

Back to Hosting - If your personal Order is £150 or above (Excl P&P) you will not need a Host Code you automatically become the HOST when you SHOP & your Stampin' Rewards will show in your Shopping Basket (as will your Sale-A-Bration Rewards) CLICK ON the Rewards icon (a PINK PARCEL on the top right hand side of the Order Summary)

If you have a number of people wishing to place Orders then you will need a Host Code which I can allocate for you.

If Hosting appeals to you & you would like to find out more please use the CONTACT ME information on my Website (see LINK above)

So, we have covered the different options of how to receive Rewards during Sale-A-Bration, but I'm sure you'd like to know more about the New Products. So, please join me next time when we'll start to have a look at some of them.

Until then

Take care

Best wishes

Anne x

Rosie Duck Designs 
