April Newsletter



Welcome to the April Newsletter. 

As always I have lots of news to share, the biggest news at the moment is of course the Last Chance Products. We are just under a month away from the launch of the new 2022 - 2023 Annual Catalogue which means that some Products have to retire to make room for new ones. Many of the Retiring Products are discounted, some up to 50%, but when they are gone they are gone!! If you haven't as yet had chance to check out what is on the Retiring List you can use the LINK below:- 


In the build up to the new Catalogue, there are  currently two Promotions which feature both some early release Products as well as Exclusive Products that are only available during the Promotion period & only ON A WHILE SUPPLIES LAST BASIS - details are as follows:-

Waves of the Ocean Collection - which runs until 2nd May 2022 - check out the details using this LINK:-


More details about this collection of products can be found in this Blog Post:-


The other Promotion is the Altogether Now Promotion - which also runs until 2nd May 2022 -check out the details using this LINK:-


More details about this Promotion can be found in this Blog Post:-


Writing about early release Products leads me nicely onto this:-

Yes, I now have a copy of the new Annual Catalogue, one of the many perks of being a Demonstrator is that we get to see the new Catalogues early & even better than that we get to pre - order new Products, so I have spent much of the Weekend writing an extensive wish list because as always the new Catalogue is full of fabulous Products & being an Annual Catalogue 5 new In Colors!! which are gorgeous. I will be sharing details of the new In Colors as April progresses. The new Catalogue goes LIVE on 3rd May 2022 & from that date you will be able to DOWNLOAD A PDF of the new Catalogue from the Sidebar of my Blog. If however you are UK based, don't currently have a Demonstrator & would like a copy of the new Catalogue you can request one using the LINK below:-


Thank you so much for taking time out to visit my Blog today, please come back & visit soon. 

Until then, have a fabulous April.

Best wishes

Anne x

Rosie Duck Designs

